THE SIX FOOT GALLERY INTERVIEW: Jack Ambro (Saturate Your Mind)

Jack Ambro is a relief printing artist specialising in a reductive lino printing technique and experimenting with approaching realism. The works are a surrealistic interpretation of greed and gluttony.

Hi Jack! How did your artistic journey start?
I have always been fascinated by digital art and digital 3D sculpting and had some experience in both. My artistic journey began in 2021 when I decided to pursue more traditional art styles and joined college. This is when I fell in love with printmaking and I’ve been exploring this medium ever since.

How did you arrive at the theme of your work?
I have always been fascinated by surrealism and symbology. While experimenting with different techniques and approaches to lino printing, I decided to start focusing more on the creative aspect of the designs I work with. This was the time when I began exploring these themes myself and since then I feel that I have added a lot of depth to my art practice.

How has your practice changed over time?  
I began lino printing with a more traditional approach, where I focused on manually sketching out the printed designs. Having a background in Photoshop digital software I have experimented and combined these two different approaches allowing me to create more intricate and complex designs. While working with halftone techniques in screen printing, I have managed to develop a similar approach with reductive lino, where I first create a visual image in Photoshop and later transfer it to lines. 

Will your next project be a continuation of your current style or are you experimenting with something different? Can you share a glimpse of your next project?
I am currently working on developing my art style by researching more into surrealism, pop art, and symbolism to develop new imagery related to a theme of ‘trajectory’. Recently I have been experimenting with a mixed-media approach to lino printing, where I am adding an element of spray painting to the design as well as some UV light elements.  

What advice would you give to artists who are just starting out?
I believe that the best thing to do is to create and experiment with new mediums until you find your own style and techniques.

See more of Jack’s work on his Instagram @jack_ambro_art and as part of the Saturate Your Mind exhibition, which runs at Six Foot Gallery until Thursday 9th May.

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