How did your artistic journey start?
Painting has been a love since I was little. There are even pictures of me painting in a nappy with my dad. He is a sculptor and I made my first stone carving (a sofa for my Barbie) under his supervision aged 7/8. My practice really grew and formalised during the six years I spent at ECA studying for my undergraduate and then postgraduate in painting and drawing.
How did you arrive at the theme of your work?
At art college I started experimenting with landscapes and abstraction, that theme has stayed with me for over 20 years and continues to be my main inspiration.
Can you walk us through your creative process?
I start with quick sketches out in the landscape, I then refine these through further sketches using photographs to abstract and refine the composition. Then I move to canvas and larger scale works. I’ll go back to sketches if something isn’t working or I want to push in a different direction.
How has your practice changed over time?
My main inspirational focus is Northern Scotland, and my home of Orkney. Currently my work is less abstracted, but that can flow and flex between bodies of work.
How do you overcome creative blocks?
Go for a walk, if I can get to the coast that helps even more.
Who influences you? Which other artists work do you love?
There are so many artists that I respect, just now I particularly love works by Joan Eardley and Frances Walker.
What advice would you give to artists who are just starting out?
Keep going, put in the hours and enjoy it!
Is there anything else you would like people to know about your work or your experiences as an artist?
My work is all about finding calm, stillness and space to reflect and recharge. I hope you get that from my paintings in the ‘Warm Voices’ exhibition at the Six Foot Gallery.
You can see more of Jade’s work on Instagram @jadestoutart
Our Winter Show, Warm Voices, runs at Six Foot Gallery until 9 January 2024.
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