Six Foot Gallery is delighted to present its annual Summer Show, featuring thirty-four artists working in a diverse range of mediums and disciplines.

Erik Richard H is a Czech multimedia artist and filmmaker based in Scotland. He uses any form of expression at hand to capture fleeting moments and emotions. Erik is forever wondering about the mysteries of life, particularly the fabricated inner world humans create for themselves, strikingly at odds with the natural environment.

In his free time, Erik loves going on long walks, and indulging in good food.

Hi Erik! How did your artistic journey start?
I have been drawing, writing and inventing stories simply since I can remember and it never stopped.

How did you arrive at the theme of your work?
It’s not as much a single theme, but rather an adaptation to different media and situations, as I learn and get older.

Can you walk us through your creative process?
Photography is the most free of the disciplines, as I just buy film rolls when I have extra money and come across a nice shop, then later take either a camera my brother or my partner lent me, and I take snapshots during travels, going out to some events or when the light outside just tempts to be captured. The hardest part is selection, cause I think a lot about composition, colours, light, emotion of each picture, so it is pleasing but also doesn’t feel stylized, and I’m just glad to work with analog cause picking from hundreds of digital takes would drive me mad.

How has your practice changed over time?
I can’t really sum it up. Every project is different, feels like a new start, a complete change.

How do you overcome creative blocks?
Luckily I always have multiple projects in progress, some already for years, so when I feel stuck in one, I usually focus on something completely different and then go back. Or when it’s a commission, and I find myself painted in the corner, I just share the concept or just bin it right away (usually it’s so obviously not working that the other party also deems it insufficient) and start afresh, trying to do something totally outside the box, or just opposite, as simple as possible.

What advice would you give to artists who are just starting out?
Feel like I’m still starting out myself but just listen to the input of others for inspiration or to push you to do even better but never let it get you down. Art is subjective by its nature, exploited as a speculative business. There is no better or worse. And this is just as much only an opinion 🙂

Which artists inspire you? Are there non-artistic influences such as literature or music that impact your work?
Definitely in literature and music too, as they are more imaginative, abstract types of art. Even video games. Mostly though I feel inspired by fellow emerging artists/friends, for example Petr Slanina, Vojtěch Groot (Dataphase), Zaireeto, Dáire Lawlor, Klara Åhman, Vikka (lil satan) to list a few.

What emotions or reactions do you hope viewers experience when they see your artwork?Any take is valid. I’d hope it’s not indifference, but each of us is different and I’m always curious to hear how others interpret the work so feel free to ignore my descriptions.

What challenges did you experience during the creation of your work and how did you overcome them?
Sometimes self-doubt, sometimes lack of finances, the usual. They come and pass and arrive again.

Can you elaborate on the significance or symbolism of the chosen title of your work?
It’s just my interpretation when forced to provide some description but generally, I feel each piece is what it is, in itself, open to interpretations or indescribable. Be it photos, paintings, films or games… words just tie them to the ground.

How do you know when a piece is complete?
Since I don’t edit photos, they are complete when taken and developed. In other media, I feel they are never completed, just one has to stop at some point, or at least pause.

Will your next project be a continuation of your current style or are you experimenting with something different? Can you share a glimpse of your next project?
In photography I’m looking to explore more different subjects, new situations that I have not dared to experience yet, including portrait photography and overall turning the lens on people. Other than that, I am preparing two documentaries, have a few unreleased music videos and unfinished illustrations, as well as some experiments in literature and video games.

You can find out more about Erik and his work on Instagram @erikrichardh or on his website. Our Summer Open Call Exhibition runs at Six Foot Gallery until Friday 23rd August.

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