Six Foot Gallery is delighted to present its annual Summer Show, featuring thirty-four artists working in a diverse range of mediums and disciplines.

Glasgow based Dani Kerr is an autistic multi-disciplinary artist who is deeply inspired by Scottish folklore, local myths, and pop culture. Dani works with Neuk Collective to provide body-doubling sessions for fellow neurodivergent artists.

Hi Dani! How did you arrive at the theme of your exhibited work?
This work is all about escapism and how stories can help us escape to another world. Ironically, this led to me looking to the world around me for inspiration. I know I’m not alone in saying I’m proud to be Scottish, often looking to Scotland as a source of inspiration. Scotland is a land built on myth and folklore. I wanted to evoke Celtic imagery in a way that felt like fantasy. I hope the work captures Scotland’s past as built by storytellers.

How do you typically approach your creative process from initial inspiration to the completion of your artwork?
I like my art to have a balance of meaningful symbolism and aesthetic appeal. Often starting projects with an overall message, feeling, or desire to bring a certain image to life. In this particular case I wanted to evoke feelings of escapism. Throughout the process I asked, does this draw people in more? This influenced everything from colour choice to the level of detail throughout the piece. I find having that having a unifying theme helps the art come together from beginning to end.

Can you elaborate on the significance or symbolism of the chosen title of your work?
The title Daydreaming from Reality is referencing the theme of escapism. I wanted the image to draw people in and allow a moment of peaceful inner thought. Throughout my life I have used daydreaming as a way to cope, escaping to an inner world of imaginary realities that felt safe and comforting. This work and its title call on the viewer to imagine their own fantasy world. My hope is to share the experience of daydreaming I have enjoyed in my life.

What do you do to keep motivated and interested in your work?
I am autistic, and with that comes the ability to get lost in certain tasks. Art is one of those tasks for me, and I often find myself in a flow state when creating. I find motivation isn’t a problem in this state of mind. The process of creating helps my brain relax keeping me engaged in the task at hand. I also find that incorporating my special interests into my art can boost motivation. I often look to my special interests for inspiration leading to a cycle of creativity.

Which artists inspire you? Are there non-artistic influences such as literature or music that impact your work?
Pop culture has always had a massive influence on my art, having spent a lot of my time as a kid engrossed in the media around me. When I grew up and went on to study sociology, I found myself forever fascinated by the connection between the mainstream collective connections of pop culture. I enjoy looking to media such as animation, video games, and online culture for inspiration in my art.

Are there any upcoming events or additional information you would like the audience to know about? 
Yes! I’m a part of a group called the Neuk Collective. Neuk is a group of neurodivergent artists in Scotland focusing on advocating for neurodivergent people in the arts. I have the privilege of Neuk helping me run online body doubling sessions for my fellow artists. Body doubling is when another person is present while you complete a certain task. Another person’s presence can help with feeling accountable and make tasks easier to focus on. These online sessions will be resuming in September and I would encourage anyone interested to follow me or Neuk Collective on Instagram for more information.

See more of Dani’s work on their Instagram @demoniceros. Our Summer Open Call Exhibition runs at Six Foot Gallery until Friday 23rd August.

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