25th April – 9th May 2024
New College Lanarkshire’s Art & Design HND show

The wide variety of works in this exhibition were made in response to the brief ‘express, encourage, inform’. Each artist presents their personal interpretation of the brief in their own style.
Featuring work by Aggie, Danielle Batey, Jacek Ambroszczyk, Beau Best, David Clift, Maria Crawford, Joe Dunn, Kirsten Henderson, Stacey Kerr, Anna Matracka, Aimee Mcmillan, Abby Quinn and Chloe Revie.

Multidisciplinary feminist artist inspired by females around her and her experience as a woman in today’s world.
SFG’s interview with Aggie
Jacek Ambroszczyk

A relief printing artist specialising in a reductive lino printing technique and experimenting with the realism approach. The works are a surrealistic interpretation of greed and gluttony.
Danielle Batey

Mixed-media artist whose works are inspired by existence, connection and the power that we have in changing lives through expression. This project is directly informed by artists who have paved the way for her finding herself.
Beau Best

An illustrator interested in using bold colours and compositions to depict the changing faces of humanity.
David Clift

Maria Crawford

Mixed-media artist delving into the abstract mind to create abstract works.
SFG’s interview with Maria
Joe Dunn

Deaf mixed-media artist aiming to promote inclusivity and accessability through art. Showcasing a series of works with varied topics using tactile mediums and hidden imagery.
Kirsten Henderson

Abstract artist specialising in acrylic painting, experimenting with lino and digital techniques. The work is inspired by identity and music and how they connect through emotions.
Stacey Kerr

A multi-media artist creating art aiming to highlight feminist and personal issues. The works are inspired by female experiences and family trauma, using drawing and painting as a medium.
SFG’s interview with Stacey
Anna Matracka

Multidisciplinary, mixed-media artist. Inspired by the ‘Human Library Organisation’. ‘You think you know what you see? Dare to open the cover and see…’
Aimee Mcmillan

A mixed-media artist creating works to end the stigma surrounding mental health. The works are inspired by mental illness and diet culture inflicted on children and adults.
SFG’s interview with Aimee
Abby Quinn

A mixed media artist creating works focussed on connection. The works are inspired by dreams and how they are influenced by waking life.
SFG’s interview with Abby
Chloe Revie

Working in the acrylic medium to show the process of change and decay. Inspired by how much has changed over a short period of time. The flowers symbolise this as they wilt and change quickly. Working with watercolour in the Escapism series to capture a collection of moments in a monochromatic style.