4th May 2017- 18th May 2017

This exhibition has been a development from an earlier project ‘The First Ladies of Football’ which explored the history of women’s football a subject that has been until recently a relatively understudied subject.
Women’s football has been one of the fastest growing sports with an increasing media presence and yet very little is known about its origins and development. This project aims to address this deficit by presenting up to date research supported by artwork and images to tell the history of the Game. ‘Game for Girls’ made its debut at the Annan Museum during the summer of 2015 and to tie in with the upcoming European Championships a new tour of the exhibition kicked off last month at the Scottish Parliament. Among the audience for the show was Dumfriesshire MSP Joan McAlpine along with sports minister Aileen Campbell and local MSP Humza Yousaf, and later in the summer the exhibition will take up residence at the Devil’s Porridge Museum.
Besides artwork, a series of information panels have been produced which explain the development of the game with each panel focusing on a specific part of the story. The first panel for instance focuses on the birth of the game and the first references to women playing football; subsequent panels cover the first association games taking the narrative up to the present day.
Alongside the Game for Girls exhibition, Stuart is also exhibiting a series of landscape oil paintings.
For sales enquiries please contact sixfootgallery@gmail.com
Stuart Gibbs: stuimage@googlemail.com
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