Our newest show, Syzygy, features works from five artists: Alessandro Sireus, Lianne Allen, Mano Camatsos, Jarmila Blaskova, and Liam Beeney.

Slovak born Jarmila Blaskova discovered her love for art and creative expression during the Covid-19 period, and this was where her work grew the most. Jarmila mostly works in acrylics but also enjoys experimenting with different materials, such as oils. Jarmila’s work is very detailed. Each piece represents and carries its own background story.

How did your artistic journey start, Jarmila?
I started to paint during the Covid-19 lockdowns, as a way to channel my own expression and pour my emotions, experience, and story out. When I began, I wasn’t sure what that might look like, but I picked up some free supplies, switched on YouTube, and watched other artists do their work. It was a steep learning curve as you do have to work hard to find your own style while translating what the person teaching you is saying and showing you. I watched hours and hours of other artists do their techniques so I could learn the process and understand the principles behind it. That’s where my journey started and I still have a long way to go, but that’s what I enjoyed the most. Peace, time, and the joy of sharing my art with the world. 

Can you tell us more about the themes of your work?
All of my works are a reminder of how far I have come from the day I started to paint. Each work I finish is an improvement on the last.

How has your practice changed over time?
My practice is more efficient now that I know how to identify what I need or look to do faster, which what you want to do: save time but do your best work.

What do you do to keep motivated and interested in your work?
Just the need to put it out there. Or fulfilling someone’s request and working on the piece with my customer – that’s a process on its own as their input is organic, personal, and individual. 

What challenges did you experience during the creation of your work and how did you overcome them?
Every piece is a challenge! Each part has different technique or way to paint things: clouds, pets, hair, objects, lights, shadows, the list goes on and on. I seek the best advice, through different art groups, videos, tutorials, to allow me to see what others see. Stepping away from a piece and coming back to see it in new light and with distance is helpful. We can get lost in details sometimes.

What advice would you give to artists who are just starting out?
My advice would be – just start. Anything and everything, any story. Any moment you want to capture or put out there and bring into the world and give it life.

Find out more about Jarmila’s work on Facebook or Instagram. Syzygy runs at Six Foot Gallery until 8th October.

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